Publications and Research activities
Published papers
Open-source projects
- 品岡寛、富田裕介、求幸年
日本物理学会誌2012月11号 (解説記事、最近の研究から)
- Hiroshi Shinaoka
"Extended loop algorithm for pyrochlore Heisenberg spin models with spin-ice type degeneracy: application to spin-glass transition in antiferromagnets coupled to local lattice distortions"
Activity report 2010 (ISSP, supercomputer center).
Link to a PDF file on the ISSP website
Presentation files for recent seminars
- ISSP theory seminar "Sparse sampling approach to efficient ab initio and many-body calculations at finite temperature" (Feb 19, 2021) Slides
Recent oral resentations in international conferences and workshops
- Hiroshi Shinaoka
"Recent technological advances in dynamical mean-field calculations"
3rd International Workshop on dynamical mean-field approach for strongly correlated materials, September 19-22, 2017 (the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden).
- Hiroshi Shinaoka (invited)
"Relativistic first-principles study of pyrochlore oxides"
Kobe workshop for material design on strongly correlated electrons in molecules and materials, January 17-18, 2016 (AICS, Riken).
- Hiroshi Shinaoka, Shintaro Hoshino, Matthias Troyer, and Philipp Werner (contributed)
"First-principles study of strong correlation effects in pyrochlore iridates"
International USMM & CMSI Workshop: Frontiers of Materials and Correlated Electron Science -from Bulk to Thin Films and Interfaces, Hongo, January 2016.
- Hiroshi Shinaoka, Matthias Troyer, and Philipp Werner (contributed)
"Accuracy of downfolding based on the constrained random phase approximation"
International Workshop on New Frontier of Numerical Methods for Many-Body Correlations -Methodologies and Algorithms for Fermion Many-Body Problems, Hongo, February 2015.
(C) 2008 Hiroshi SHINAOKA, All rights reserved.